Woman's Transformation Trio
Expand into the Divine Feminine; the receptive, magical, mysterious, radiant, wild and beautiful – living with grace-full peace.
Opens your Heart and Cultivates your capacity to give and receive love.
This transformative trio is for you if:
* You are devoted to living long and feeling amazing in your body* You are devoted to being the best version of youWhy Ormus?
Intention and Primary Benefit: Opens your Heart and Cultivates your capacity to give and receive love.
Kejiwa Ormus elixir is alchemized minerals extracted from salt crystals that have absorbed solar & lunar light for around a million years. These sea salts contain a full bio-available spectrum of elemental mineral nutrition. Through our process, the mono-atomic minerals, which act like light particles, are condensed into nourishing liquid supplement form. It is creative energy in a bottle!
I-A Rose Ormus is infused with Organic Rose Damascena oil, scientifically proven to be the highest frequency natural substance on the planet at an amazing 320 Hz, so it amplifies and activates your own frequency when you receive this blossoming medicine!You will have more energy for your body’s natural wisdom to heal and experience your ultimate peak performance.
Radiant Goddess Spagyria:
This full-spectrum tincture utilizes potent herbal medicine to boost energy, balance hormones and connect to your intuition so you can tap into your sacred womb wisdom and harness your feminine power to your highest potential.
33 Tonic Herb Alchemical Tincture to serve your highest health, resiliency, vitality, and light of Being!
Spagyria Tincture named by a father of alchemy and medicine, Paracelsus, is an initiatory elixir nourishing both the physical, energetic, and soul body of those who receive it. Harnessing the power, intelligence, creativity, and harmony of nature the alchemist aligns with the planets, moon cycles, elements, and their own soul’s light, infusing the tincture with the capacity to elevate consciousness.
Venus Love Alche-Mist:
A soothing Rose aromatherapy mist to balance your energy, cleanse your mind and open your heart for calling in love and connecting to desire.
I A-Rose Ormus Benefits:
These Ormus minerals are necessary to all life and bringing higher concentrations of this miraculous substance into your body results in more liveliness, light and energy. With the high-frequency infusion of Rose Damascena, this elixir gives you a joyous amplification into the expanded heart of love and a pristine activation into higher states of consciousness.
Ormus has the capability to uplift & assist brain function, boost energy, regenerate DNA, repair effects of aging, create longevity, enliven cells, support healthy tissue in the heart, boost the endocrine, immune & nervous systems, fight off pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and allow effective rejuvenating sleep as well as more vivid and lucid dreamtime.
Radiant Goddess Spagyria Benefits:
This is a wealth of health for the body, mind, and spirit. These premium 33 tonic herbs are known for being the most effective at revitalizing your organs, nervous system, hormones, and glandular system.
When your body is balanced, you feel sustained energy, emotional stability, reduced stress, proper digestion; thriving and living to the fullest! Experiencing your peak physical health creates a crucial foundation for living your highest potential.
Energetically, this tincture aligns you to universal harmony and your true nature. To your highest blissful vitality and whole embodied divinity.
Venus Love Alche-mist Benefits:
Rose Damascena is the scientifically verified highest frequency natural substance on the planet! It will certainly quickly raise your spirits, cultivating a pure, nurturing, deep sense of love. As your frequency lifts you experience greater health, immunity and vibrancy.
How to
How to experience I A-Rose Ormus:
Ormus is a liquid mineral supplement; we recommend fully savoring this experience by first smelling this delicious elixir, then placing 1-2 tsp under your tongue (hold before swallowing). Your dose will depend on your sensitivity and desired effects. Please tune in to your own body wisdom.
Close your eyes and take long slow deep breaths as you envision your entire body full of light. Or focus on a specific intention/desire you are manifesting.
Ormus is a sacred substance that is highly sensitive to energy and amplifies any intentions set with it. We highly recommend that you honor this bottle with a special place on your altar and infuse every dose with your prayers.
Sit with this Ormus before meditating to open your Pineal Gland for a deeper grounding and stronger connection to your intuition. Use in Ceremony to support spiritual evolution by offering you the ability to transcend limiting beliefs and rewire subconscious thoughts.
The effects are cumulative and enlightening. Keeping a diary on your progress is recommended & we are open to inquiries always as you unfold your petals on this golden blossoming path of alchemy.
How to experience Radiant Goddess Spagyeria:
Place 1 to 3 droppers under your tongue per day and ingest; breathing deeply, visualize your entire being filled with light while holding your personal intention.
Daily use is recommended and encouraged. Radiant Goddess Spagyria is meant to be used as a daily supplement for regular rebalancing and rejuvenation. You may also use as an energetic boost in the middle of the day or anytime you need to channel your Goddess energy to tap into your sacred womb wisdom.
How to experience Venus Love Alche-mist:
There are numerous ways in which you can incorporate Venus Love Alche-Mist into your daily rituals. Mist your face to refresh before applying makeup, spray it in your car to inspire you on the way to work, keep it on hand to recenter when stressful moments arise and lightly mist your pillows to soothe your senses before drifting off to dream time.
This lovely natural scent lights up any room! Lightworkers delight in blessing up their circle with Venus Love in place of rose water to enhance rituals and ceremonies; inviting a graceful flow of loving high-frequency energies into the circle.
Easy to carry in your purse for a natural perfume replacement, car freshener, hand sanitizer or any time you just need to relax and reset.
We carefully select the highest quality, sustainably sourced ingredients
Created with heart centered focus and intention in the Red Rock vortex of Sedona, AZ
Offering superior protection for enhanced longevity, potency & purity
Packed with care and love-in blessings; shipped in compostable packing peanuts

Produced from the highest quality ingredients
Fresh, raw, local, vegan, wild, organic and biodynamic ingredients including wild-harvested herbs picked by hand in prayerful communion.
We choose to always be in our highest state of presence and peace when creating our products because we are committed to bringing you the most potent activating elixirs to assist you on your ascension journey.
It is an extension of what we believe and how we live as stewards of this Planet.