Metatron's Cube Wood Crystal Grid Altar Plate
Connect to the energy of the Metatron's Cube Sacred Geometry, set your intentions, and amplify the energy in your space by building your crystal grid on this beautiful Birch wood altar plate.
Activate and amplify your energy and the power behind your manifestations with this Metatron's Cube sacred geometry altar plate
Benefits of creating crystal grids:
- Positivity, a positive feeling to everything you do
- Personal healing, regaining and maintaining health
- Cleansing negativity from your environment
- Focusing your goals
- Fulfilling your dreams
- Release of emotional blocks from the past
- Empowering you when you feel there is nothing you can do in a situation
- Help in taking your next step in life and moving forward
- Improved cognition, focus, memory, peace of mind
- Better meditation, deeper meditation, more insightful meditation
- Reducing anxiety, depression, fear, moodiness, stress
- Destroying self-doubt
- Boosting spiritual awareness
- Improved psychic abilities
- Creating prosperity
Approx. Size:
A Mystical 3-dimension cube used by Archangel Metatron to watch over the flow of energy connecting Earth and the Divine. It symbolizes the underlying patterns of the universe and spins with energy to help you think helpful thoughts. It reminds us that the Universe wants us to discover our personal power and use it for good!
Place your crystals upon the grid, activate the grid with an activation stone and harness the power of the Universe to help you Manifest your heart's desires!
Birch Wood Properties:
Color - white
Planet - Venus
Element - Air/Water
Spiritual Significance - Rebirth, New Beginnings and growth
Other magical properties of Birch wood is believed to ward off evil, banish fears and build courage.
Associated with beauty and tolerance, the Birch's vibration heightens tolerance of oneself and others.
What is a crystal grid?
Crystal grids are sacred geometric patterns which are used to create a unique synergy through a specific vibrational blueprint. Each grid has its own energetic footprint and charges a harmonic resonance.
Beautiful patterns with crystals release a frequency and energetic vibration we can absorb. Changing the pattern of your environment and energy field can have the power to transform you and your space.
When multiple crystals are placed on a crystal grid they work together cohesively, amplifying energy which is more powerful than one crystal by itself.
We carefully select the highest quality, sustainably sourced ingredients
Created with heart centered focus and intention in the Red Rock vortex of Sedona, AZ
Offering superior protection for enhanced longevity, potency & purity
Packed with care and love-in blessings; shipped in compostable packing peanuts

Produced from the highest quality ingredients
Fresh, raw, local, vegan, wild, organic and biodynamic ingredients including wild-harvested herbs picked by hand in prayerful communion.
We choose to always be in our highest state of presence and peace when creating our products because we are committed to bringing you the most potent activating elixirs to assist you on your ascension journey.
It is an extension of what we believe and how we live as stewards of this Planet.