Clear your Space and Energetic Field with the Purifying Energy of Selenite
Translucent Selenite has a very fine vibration and purifying effect. Revive your Aura and strengthen your energy by placing this Selenite tower on your desk, nightstand or anywhere near you.
- LIGHT BODY CONNECTION: Pure Selenite is a link to the light body, assisting in anchor it in the earth vibration.
- SPACE CLEARING TOOL: Selenite is connected to the angelic realm and is commonly utilized in space clearing rituals and closing portals.
- CRYSTAL GRIDS: for protecting, activating and raising the vibration of crystal grids.
- CLARITY OF MIND: Selenite can be used to remove negative thoughtforms from the aura.
- OPENING THE CROWN and higher chakras while accessing angelic consciousness and higher guidance.
- PSYCHIC COMMUNICATION: Enhanced telepathy, aiding in interacting with one’s wise ancestors, angels and spirit guides.
- ENERGETIC TRANSMUTATION: Ceremonial tool for transmuting energy into Light.
MEDITATION: Selenite is a calming stone that instils deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work.
Approx. Size
Hight: 2.5" ~ Width: 1.5"
Many chose to keep a piece of Selenite in their pocket. You can also simply hold your selenite in your hand to clear yourself of lower vibrational energy by sending these densities into your crystal with intention and a prayer that it transmutes these energies into the light.
Selenite can be used to form a protective grid around your home or your energy field. When used with intention, you can create a safe space that does not allow outside energies to interfere.
Importance of Cutting Chords:
We exchange energy with other people through our daily interactions. Sometimes, these encounters can leave an unseen energetic attachment to our energetic field.
Example: You go to support a friend, but still feel the emotions they were feeling after the interaction ended. This leads to a syphoning of your energy long after you left your friends house.
In order to release these chords and nourish yourself with your own vibrational energy, you can use an intentional chord cutting meditation with the energetic assistance of this Selenite Blade to revive and restore your auric field.
You can utilize this practice to cut chords to energetic attachments such as letting go of old friendships or intimate partners, leaving a toxic work place, or releasing self sabotaging thought patterns. With loving intentions, we can release and realign our sacred and sovereign power.
For daily spiritual hygiene, you can move the dagger over your body from head to toe, commanding any attachments, cords, or foreign energies to be released. As you move the crystal over your body, pay attention to areas that may need a little more time and breath. Allow yourself to move intuitively and intentionally, visualizing pure light of Source to enter your entire Being.
Use this Selenite with a simple Chord Cutting Meditation to cleanse your aura of any energetic attachments that no longer serve your highest path.
Benefits Of Chord Cutting
What is Selenite?
Selenite is a crystalline variety of the mineral gypsum. It is a very soft mineral which can be easily scratched with a fingernail and therefore not recommended for jewelry, unless looked after very carefully. If placed in water, Selenite will revert to gypsum.
Selenite crystals are pure light and can cleanse other crystals
You may place your Selenite tower in the Sun to Cleanse or Charge
Selenite Crystal Properties:
Chakras - Crown Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Sacral Chakra
Zodiac - Cancer, Taurus, Virgo
Planet - Moon
Element - Water
Numerical Vibration - Number 8
♥ Serenity ♥ Purification ♥ Peace ♥ Meditation ♥ Universal consciousness ♥ Clarity of thought ♥ Purity of heart ♥ Universal love ♥ Integrity ♥ Spirituality ♥ Psychic development ♥ Forgiveness ♥ Positive thoughts
Selenite is a calming stone that instills deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. Selenite’s pure, translucent white vibration has an ethereal quality and is said to inhabit the place between light and matter.
Due to these qualities, it’s an excellent stone for meditation or spiritual work. Its vibrations assist in releasing judgement and purifying your perception. Selenite is known to clears confusion, aid in seeing the deeper picture, and connecting with truth. It removes blockages of all kinds and resonates at a highly harmonious frequency.
Selenite provides for clarity of the mind, expanding one’s awareness of the self and of our surroundings. It opens the crown and higher crown chakras to access angelic consciousness. It can be used to access the Akashic Records, which include information on past lives as well as future lives. Selenite helps us attune to receive higher guidance and wisdom.
Many chose to keep a piece of Selenite in their pocket. You can also simply hold your selenite to clear yourself of lower vibrational energy by sending these densities into your crystal with intention and a prayer that it transmutes these energies into the light.
We carefully select the highest quality, sustainably sourced ingredients
Created with heart centered focus and intention in the Red Rock vortex of Sedona, AZ
Offering superior protection for enhanced longevity, potency & purity
Packed with care and love-in blessings; shipped in compostable packing peanuts

Produced from the highest quality ingredients
Fresh, raw, local, vegan, wild, organic and biodynamic ingredients including wild-harvested herbs picked by hand in prayerful communion.
We choose to always be in our highest state of presence and peace when creating our products because we are committed to bringing you the most potent activating elixirs to assist you on your ascension journey.
It is an extension of what we believe and how we live as stewards of this Planet.